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A contrarian Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow resource, to help you sort through the myths and misconceptions around this frustrating, painful tendon curse.

Brought to you by Allen Willette, 'Tennis Elbow Tutor' - Creator of the original self-help video program: Tennis Elbow Classroom. Let's break your vicious cycle!

Learn more here: Tennis Elbow Classroom

Jul 21, 2016

When it comes to Tennis Elbow treatment advice, you almost always hear how important it is to “Rest it as much as possible while it heals!”

But, unfortunately, the idea that healing will “just happen” while you’re resting, hoping and waiting is a major misconception when it comes to tendon injuries.

Learn why “You should rest it!” is not very useful advice when treating tendon problems like Tennis Elbow (especially if it’s Tendinosis, which it often is)…

Hopefully, before you waste several months resting only to find the pain just as bad when you resume your activities – and realize you’re no better off!

Here's the full post on Rest And Tennis Elbow